Sunday, 7 June 2020

#20percentchallenge | Win the war against China with the #20percentchallenge | Boycott won't work

#20percentchallenge | Win the war against China with the #20percentchallenge | Boycott won't work

Video description:
We believe that many have misunderstood our last video on How we can beat china NOT by "Boycott" but by taking on the #20percentchallenge. In this video, again we have tried to explain and clarify some of the issues raised by critics. Many of these criticism were great and valid and many needed clarification. We have tried to explain ourselves better and the #20percentchallenge
We do not own the video this is just a player link and it could contain by other parties.

Watch youtube video here: the best video collection

Watch this on youtube - #20percentchallenge | Win the war against China with the #20percentchallenge | Boycott won't work

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