Types of Bonds & Debentures - Hindi
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Various types of bonds and debentures are explained in hindi. You must know terms, risks & returns in different types of debentures or bonds before you invest in them. Types of bonds or debentures include secured & unsecured bonds, convertible & non-convertible debentures, redeemable and irredeemable bonds, registered and bearer debentures, callable and puttable bonds, zero coupon bonds and premium bonds, subordinated bonds and participating debentures. You can invest in corporate bonds & debentures, government bonds and tax saving bonds. Related Videos: Bonds vs Debentures - https://youtu.be/BdMg5RmMj_0 Shares vs Debentures (Bonds) - https://youtu.be/afSACc6c2c0 How to Invest in Bonds & Debentures - https://youtu.be/hC9OsIzAoEk हिंदी में various types के bonds और debentures को समझाया गया है। आपको invest करने से पहले different types के debentures या bonds के rules, risks और returns का पता होना चाहिए। Share this video: https://youtu.be/5YN_Uo7stms Subscribe To Our Channel and Get More Finance Tips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsNxHPbaCWL1tKw2hxGQD6g To access more learning resources on finance, check out www.assetyogi.com In this video, we have explained: What are the different types of bonds and debentures? What are secured bonds? What are unsecured debentures? What do you mean by cumulative or non-cumulative bonds or debentures? What are redeemable bonds / debentures? Are irredeemable debentures allowed in India? What are convertible debentures? What are non-convertible debentures? What do you understand by registered and bearer bonds and debentures? What is a callable bond or debenture? What is a puttable bond or debenture? What is a zero coupon bond? What is a premium bond? What is the meaning of subordinated bond? What is participating bond or debenture? Make sure to like and share this video. Other Great Resources AssetYogi – http://assetyogi.com/ Follow Us: Google Plus – https://plus.google.com/+assetyogi-ay Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/assetyogi/ Twitter - http://twitter.com/assetyogi Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/assetyogi Linkedin - http://www.linkedin.com/company/asset-yogi Instagram - http://instagram.com/assetyogi Hope you liked this video in Hindi on “Types of Bonds and Debentures"
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